Archives November 2022

What You Need to Know About an Organic Dream Crib Mattress

Whether you’re planning to purchase an organic dream crib mattress for your baby, or you’re just interested in learning more about it, there are a few different things you need to know about this type of product. You’ll want to know about the materials used to make the mattress, as well as how it’s made.


Unlike conventional crib mattresses, which are treated with harsh bleaches, synthetic fibers, and other harsh chemicals, organic mattresses are made from all-natural, biodegradable, and renewable resources. In addition, many organic materials are naturally flame retardant.

In fact, studies have linked chemical emissions from mattresses to developmental brain disorders and asthma. In addition, chemical flame retardants have been linked to infertility and obesity. These chemicals degrade into easily ingested dust particles.

Some organic mattresses are certified by GREENGUARD Gold, which requires t

hat mattresses meet strict emissions standards and use organic components. Organic fabrics include cotton and wool, which are naturally flame retardant.

Some organic mattresses are manufactured with latex, which is approved for use in crib mattresses. However, latex can cause allergic reactions. If you suspect that your child might be allergic to latex, consider choosing a mattress that is made from wool or hemp.


Unlike conventional mattresses, an organic dream crib mattress is made with organic materials and a limited lifetime warranty. This means you can get a high-quality mattress for your baby at a reasonable price.

The Organic Dream Organic Cotton Lightweight 2-Stage Crib Mattress is made from hypoallergenic and organic materials. It’s also a Greenguard Gold Certified product. This means it meets strict standards for healthy indoor air.

The mattress is made of a two-stage design, including a Pure-Air core that is highly breathable. This makes it easier for your baby to sleep. Having a mattress that is highly breathable helps prevent overheating. It also prevents the risk of suffocation for your baby.


Choosing the right organic dream crib mattress is a must for the safety of your baby. These mattresses are safe from harmful chemicals and allergens. They offer the right support for your baby’s body and they can last for years.

These crib mattresses are made from a variety of materials and they can be found in different price ranges. The safest crib mattress is made from natural and organic materials and it should be free from fire retardants and polyurethane foam.

Some crib mattresses are designed for infants only, but some are suitable for toddlers. They have an open cell structure that allows for maximum airflow. It also has a removable and washable cover that is made from organic cotton.

Coconut coir

Designed for newborns through toddlers, the Coco Mat mattress is made from natural and chemical free materials. The organic cotton cover is hypoallergenic and waterproof. It’s also free of vinyl, flame retardants, phthalates, and perfluorinated compounds. The mattress is a natural alternative to conventional crib mattresses.

The Coco Mat is the most breathable, comfortable, and eco-friendly crib mattress available. Made in Sri Lanka, the organic lambswool and organic cotton cover is infused with eucalyptus and lavender extracts.

The Coco Mat is a two-sided mattress with a firmer side for infants and a softer side for toddlers. The infant side is made of pure coconut husk and the toddler side is made of natural latex.


Designed for babies, the Sealy organic dream crib mattress is one of the best-selling baby mattresses on the market. It features an innovative natural soybean foam-core and is waterproof. It also passes the latest ASTM crib mattress standards.

The mattress is also a great choice for infants with hay fever or upper respiratory issues. It’s made with a double-stitched quilted cover and is GOTS certified. It also comes with a 20-year limited warranty.

The mattress is made in the USA and is certified to be free of harmful chemicals. It is also Greenguard Gold certified. The cover is waterproof and stain-resistant, and it passes the latest ASTM crib mattress standards. It is also designed for maximum airflow.

Beautyrest Beginnings Sleep Whispers

Whether you’re shopping for a crib mattress for your baby or one for your toddler, you will want to consider the Simmons Beautyrest Beginnings Sleep Whispers organic dream crib mattress. It’s a double-sided mattress that offers optimal comfort for both infants and toddlers. It’s water resistant, hypoallergenic and safe to sleep on. It’s also GREENGUARD Gold certified.

It’s made in the USA, and it’s made from organic materials. It’s also CertiPUR-US certified. It claims to be free of heavy metals, formaldehyde and phthalates.

It also has an organic latex core that is flexible and breathable. It’s also made in California.

It’s made with no lead, vinyl, polyurethane or formaldehyde. It has no phthalates and is Greenguard Gold certified. The cover is also waterproof and easy to clean.