Non-security related benefits of CCTV

Non-security related benefits of CCTV

CCTV systems have long been recommended as a must-have for retailers in the UK. They protect you from shoplifters, vandals, arsonists, and aggressive customers and ensure that your insurance claim has the best possible enhance of success if the worst does happen.

The effectiveness of CCTV as a security tool cannot be questioned, it is incredibly effective and if you don’t already have a system in place you should make acquiring one your top priority.

However, the benefits of CCTV installation go far far beyond security alone. There are many less serious uses for CCTV as well as those that can be used to optimise your operations, increase productivity, and generally help your retail business to thrive.

At Prime Secure, security is what we do but as one of the UK’s premier installers of CCTV systems we are also well aware of the additional benefits that they offer. After all, our clients tell us all about them.

Here are just some of the non-security related benefits of installing a CCTV system on your property.

Improve productivity

One of the security related benefits of using CCTV cameras is that if there is an unsavoury incident on your property such as a suspicion of employee theft or a confrontation between employees your CCTV will tell you exactly what occurred and you won’t find yourself stuck in a he said she said situation.

It also reduces the risk of such an incident happening in the first place. If staff know they are under observation, they will be on their best behaviour an this can lead to a rise in workplace productivity.

Improve health and safety

In a similar manner, if your staff think that you or anyone else could be watching them, they are much more likely to abide by the health and safety regulation that are in place for their own protection.

One way to maximise this effect is to use CCTV footage of an incident happening on your site, or a similar one, where protocol was not followed as part of a training programme for your staff. Not only can this show your staff the dangers of poor practice but will also inspire them to avoid becoming the next one to feature in such a video.

Analysing Customer Behaviour

Many retails stores use CCTV to analyse customer activity and optimise their marketing strategies accordingly. They may move items to different areas of the store based on movement patterns or analyse the reactions that customer have to certain displays, products, or product groupings.

NOTE: Be aware that there are certain privacy laws that limit where CCTV can be used and for what purpose. Public areas of a commercial site such as a supermarket area are normally fine, but it is always worth checking with a professional security expert just to ensure you don’t accidently fall foul of privacy laws. We are always here for a chat or consultation if you need advice regarding CCTV or any other security technology.