6 Health Benefits of Doing Yoga Every Day

6 Health Benefits of Doing Yoga Every Day

The yoga industry has seen a fair increase in the number of people willing to be a part of it. This is because daily yoga practice has limitless benefits to offer. Yoga is the combination of mental and physical practice aimed to improve your overall health and wellbeing. The best part of yoga practice is, you don’t need to spend hours a day to achieve the required health result.  Just 15 minutes of yoga practice a day is sufficient enough to transform your mental and physical health. Here we will discuss the six most important and evidence-based health benefits of practicing yoga every day. 

Improves body flexibility and mobility

One of the major benefits of doing yoga is, it helps you gain improved body flexibility. Just after practicing yoga for a few days, you can expect to see the results. You would certainly feel more flexible and notice a difference in your body mobility. Regardless of the fact if your body is pretty stiff for bendy. The best part of it is, you don’t need to be super flexible, to begin with. It can be adjusted and progressed over time according to your body’s needs and capacity. 

Helps build strength

Hitting the gym and lifting heavy weights is not the only way to build body mass. Daily practice of yoga can help boost your body strength. A study by the Chinese university revealed that the participants of a 12-day Hata yoga have noticed significant improvements in their muscular strength compared to other groups. 

Correct posture

Although we take part in various physical exercises, our body posture doesn’t get corrected. But practicing yoga each day can certainly improve your posture making you sit up straight and walk taller. According to a study published in the journal of physical therapy science, the women who took part in an intense short-term yoga session attained improved spine mobility compared to other conventional exercise programs. 

Supports heart health

Heart problems are one of the most common ailments found in the majority of the population. Yoga, although is less known for improving heart health, helps prevent heart disease and supports heart health. Studies have shown that daily practice of yoga can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases when combined with the right diet plan and stress management. Besides, a study also revealed that people who are over 40 years of age and are practicing yoga for five years tend to have lower blood pressure and pulse rate than those who don’t. 

Weight loss

Weight loss is one of the most important reasons to practice yoga daily for most individuals. The improper diet and irregular schedule have contributed to the problem of overweight and obesity in the life of many individuals. So, if your goal is to shed off the extra body fat without getting into an intense workout schedule or following a strict diet plan, yoga can be the best solution. According to a study by the University of California, restorative yoga accompanied with breathing exercises can help overweight people lose body fat. 

A review published in the American journal of lifestyle medicine states that yoga can help reduce body weight by boosting several body mechanisms like burning calories, reducing stress levels, making you feel more connected with your body. This enhances your feeling of satiety and helps prevent you from overeating. 

Increase your energy

Daily yoga practice can help awaken the main energy centers or chakras in your body. A few yoga poses are intended to extend your body. Thus, allowing the energy to circulate through your whole body. A few poses like the cobra pose, for example, helps open the chest and help intake more breath. The use of CBD is also a natural way to increase your energy. So, if you pair CBD with yoga, it can enhance your health benefits and also boost your energy levels in a short period. 

The bottom line

Above mentioned are the most potent benefits of practicing yoga every day. But there is an innumerable number of benefits that you can gain from doing yoga. The daily practice of yoga not only improves your physical health but improves your mental health too.